Spring is coming to an end, and the ancients spend their days in the usual way. The women take care of the supply of the tribe, and the men cultivate and educate the children. Wanda and her friends practice the next harvest on the stalks of the previous year. The stalks are hard to cut, so dry they are, now. Marcy hurts her left claw, as she presses carelessly on a stalk thickening. Veronica and Olivia have to laugh, and Wanda must giggle. Wanda asks how Maice has injured herself and how the accident happened.
The teacher, who is noticing the situation, plays his role. «Thy don't laugh over others!» «Marcy, you may not cut the stalks at the knots!» «Pull yourselves together!»
The kids calm down, but Wanda is still curious. «And if we be really careful cutting the knots??», she asks… The teacher gifts her an evil glare.
«If only we had our own field…» – Wanda thinks.