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The steppe is wide and dusty, but it is not too sunny. In the south the barley is almost ready for harvest, but the two already know this area. Veronica knows what Wanda is looking for. Without a word, her little eyes scan the steppe. The oasis seems to have become somewhat smaller since last summer.

«If we should do something about that?» – Wanda thinks of the haystack again – «If the elderly already know what happens everywhere?»

Veronica keeps watching out. There, while Wanda is in thoughts, Veronica spotted something that looks like an ant. Veronica silently chirps in Wanda's ear, to alert her. But as Wanda shriks, the ant must have hidden itself already, because as they both look, it is gone.

Wanda asks if they should turn around. «I don't know», says Veronica. Carefully both turn around and walk home. On their way back they feel better. This evening, too, is spent at their families.

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