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In the next morning the anger is gone. For anger there is no time anyway, because, it is harvest time. As usual the kids get the small field in the middle to practice.

All fields bloom high, and the seven can't wait to show what they had learned over the last year. Their teamwork is now knowingly better, but it is still hopple here and there. «Veronica does not even look where the leafs are falling…», thinks Wanda. Olivia and Marcy are very busy. And… «WANDA!», it shouts from above, «YOU GOTTA STACK!»

Wanda shricks up and sees a load of undone work. She starts working, and Alexandra, Caroline and Michelle know what to do. They simply carry the harvested goods, like over the last year, loose in the haystacks direction.

Wanda is happy that she can count on her three carriers. «I wonder what problems ants got?» – she thinks – as she prepares the plad ground for the stalks.

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