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Wanda has an idea. If they harvested multiple times a year, then everyone had more to eat. The lions wouldn't look so angry, and also the zebras would have more to eat. But what would be with the vultures in the sky? Would they find something? She isn't really talking about such things with Olivia and Maice.

With them, she mostly talks about the harvest, and they think of how the others could harvest so much faster. If they should notify the problem with the haystack. These thoughts vanish quickly. The four are busy enough to live their hobbies and spend the days together. The only thing Wanda can not explain is the look of the ants. She can't get it out of her head.

If she will meet an ant again? «What would she ask to it?» – thinks Wanda. «Why can't i do what i wanted to?» Questions over Questions.

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