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This autumn shall be the worst in the history of the Fravier tribe .

The foresigns were more and more hotter and howling winds. Wanda always was afraid of heavy weather. «You don't need to be afraid of flash and thunder.», said Frederic Wandaman often. But it wasn't flash and thunder. It was the wind. Just the wind, which in circles ran over the haystacks, ripped them in parts and threw all the harvest over the Sahel.

Wanda also got hit hard. Alone in the outside she searches for shelter under a sandhill. The wind was so strong, Wanda only closed her eyes and hoped of survival… Then she slowly sinks into the sand and almost does not feel the wind anymore…

Stunned she looks up… in the eyes of an ant. Wanda freezes.

Only a few days before the questions were burning on her chitin lips. Now, with these eyes so sudden and close before her, there is only one question left… «Shall i run?… Where?… Where am i?!»

The ant backs up a little bit…

I dedicate these 29 pages to all my friends.
Too many to get listed.
Who enjoyed the first band, may buy some scans to support us.
Even though we will only party from that money, so it will reach 100% the artists behind this.
A second part is under construction.

PS: The images are from Anja Ingwersen, Danziger Str. 64 Cremlingen.

PPS: Thanks to Mr. Richter, who kept the book for me :)

Christian Busch
Am Bauhof 15
31224 Peine

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